Tupperware has become somewhat the bane of our lives. Each day we take to work Tupperware for the following things: breakfast, nuts, protein, snack, soup and maybe something else for good measure.
There is nothing worse than getting home looking at your lovely empty sink then proceeding to fill it with these nuisances. And then- AND THEN you have to refill them. I feel like I send about 1/2 my home Life stood in the kitchen.
Anyway rant over.
I really think the keys to being fit and healthy lie in the following: organisation, patience and support.
1. Organisation: Sunday is prep day- make a huge batch of soup to keep in the fridge (or freezer) and eat throughout the week. We use whatever we have in the fridge (or have planned in advance) favourites include suede, leeks, onions, sweet potatoes, carrots, lentils... Chuck anything you have in a pan- leave for a while with some tasty stock ( I use boullin) and then blitz with a hand blender. If you don't have a hand blender- buy one.
Boil some eggs to keep in the fridge as snacks (yes you often see me and rich waking down the road tuckig into an egg- really wierd).
Cut up veg/ prep fruit in Tupperware (grrr!) ready for the next few days!
2. Patience- anyone who knows me knows that patience is my a virtue I have in any form let alone abundance. But I think you have to be patient when being healthy! You aren't going to lose weight over night- don't weigh yourself everyday- not even really once a week but if you have to Make sure it's the same time/ dayish.
Don't give up after a week cuz you haven't changed dramatically (although every night u ask rich if I've got a 6 pack yet- the answer is, and will always be no).
3. Support: there is nothing worse when you are trying to be good then somebody saying- 'go on have a biscuit one won't hurt' (or if you are that person- don't be please!) let's all support each other, compliment each other and learn from each other (amen- that all got a bit churchy).
Let people know your plans/ aims and that way you get support and encouragement rather than feeling shy about it- and it's much harder to fail because people know!!
I am really lucky that my friends, family and rich are massively supportive or have got bored of trying to corrupt me ;-)
Also I think it's important to know that everyday is a new day and they aren't all easy (big strops in our flat over washing up this week) but it's all worth it in the end!
Can't wait to wash up later.
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