Monday 29 December 2014

Fail to plan- plan to fail

Being hungry sucks. 

Whenever I'm in the office or out and about and I get peckish it all Goes Pear shaped. It is a lot easier (and more appealing) to march to the vending machine than it is to locate a peice of fruit. Plus who wants to tuck into an apple when you're starving anyway. 
It's always best to have a contingency plan- an up the sleeve low cal cereal bar or even better a couple of peices of ham. Bananas are my best friend- filling and easy to carry. 

Unfortunately I am not a big lover of nuts and seeds (although in trying to learn) and I don't think it's realistic to grab a handful of seeds when you want a massive chocolatey twirl. I think having something to look forward to as a reward for being good all day is really important- so if you manage to tuck into something low cal and good for you rather than a chocolate bar maybe allow yourself a little bit of what you fancy later on (just a little mind).

Likewise I always kick myself if I cave at 3pm and have to for go my pudding (to be honest I end up having both and regretting it).

The other thing I do is plan what time I'm going to eat my snacks through out the day- I know 11am is snack number 1 and 3pm is number 2. If you're a massive foodie like me I find it helps to have little goals to meet and take each snack as it comes :) 

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