Tuesday 30 December 2014

Start as you mean to go on...

So january hasn't officially begun yet and with a couple more treats to go before I officially start on Monday I thought I better have a good couple of days.

Today's lunch:
Salad with:
cherry tomatoes
2 x boiled eggs 
1/2 avocado 
Sugar snap peas (which I've learnt are an ace little snack as they are quite sweet!)

Starving today though so salad is a bit tough- adding more meat tomorrow! 


Monday 29 December 2014

Fail to plan- plan to fail

Being hungry sucks. 

Whenever I'm in the office or out and about and I get peckish it all Goes Pear shaped. It is a lot easier (and more appealing) to march to the vending machine than it is to locate a peice of fruit. Plus who wants to tuck into an apple when you're starving anyway. 
It's always best to have a contingency plan- an up the sleeve low cal cereal bar or even better a couple of peices of ham. Bananas are my best friend- filling and easy to carry. 

Unfortunately I am not a big lover of nuts and seeds (although in trying to learn) and I don't think it's realistic to grab a handful of seeds when you want a massive chocolatey twirl. I think having something to look forward to as a reward for being good all day is really important- so if you manage to tuck into something low cal and good for you rather than a chocolate bar maybe allow yourself a little bit of what you fancy later on (just a little mind).

Likewise I always kick myself if I cave at 3pm and have to for go my pudding (to be honest I end up having both and regretting it).

The other thing I do is plan what time I'm going to eat my snacks through out the day- I know 11am is snack number 1 and 3pm is number 2. If you're a massive foodie like me I find it helps to have little goals to meet and take each snack as it comes :) 

A little bit of what you fancy

Today has gone well in the food and exercise stakes- started the day with an hour work out- ate healthy- weetBix, fruit, salad, stir fry, popping corn... But the only way I stuck to it was the thought of a good friend of mine sat in the fridge. 
My last chocolate bar from my selection box- me caramel diary milk. 
I'm not advocating eating chocolate everyday (although it's my major ports all) but I think if it encourages you to be super good all day knowing that there is a treat waiting for you at home- then that's ok :) 

Going to start the switch to dark chocolate in January :( it's going to be tough!! 

First day back after Christmas

Thought I'd go full throttle today at the gym as its my first day back but my body had other ideas.

Managed a 5km run but had to cling on for dear life and my hips and knees were hurting. 

Then it was on to abs- the following exercises this morning:

12x leg raises 
12 x toe dips
12 x sit ups with a 7kg weight 
30x cross crunches 
30 second plank 
15 kettle bell swings- 12kg
12 kettle bell waist moves - 12kg 

Repeat all of the above 3 times- struggle today!! 

I think the hardest thing is getting back on the horse- once the first one is over it gets easier- well a little.

Sunday 28 December 2014

Before and after...

I thought it would be appropriate for my first blog to be a snapshot of my before and after pics. Still got a little way to go!! 
It's been a crazy and sometimes difficult year but now I look Back on what I've achieved (not including my newly acquired christmas blubber) and can feel proud- and shocked!! 
I never ever dieted before this year- and still consider that I haven't. I have changed my life and my outlook on food and feel really lucky to have been able to get close to my goals- thank you to all of my friends and family for the support and for noticing every little change- the feeling when people notice you have lost weight is what keeps me going! 

I promise this blog won't continue on to be as corny as it currently sounds. I just wanted to share some tips that I've learnt over the year- some healthy swaps and easy meals/ exercises as people have been interested in what I've done to change! I am definitely a chocoholic and a massive foodie so if I can do it - maybe you can too :) 
