Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Loses and gains

Yesterday I weighed myself and today I recorded my body fat percentage with my personal trainer. 

This is a hard lesson to learn. I've written before about how the scales aren't the best thing for monitoring how you look... 

So the results are in...

Yesterday I had dropped a kg from january- amazing all things considering!! 

However, today I find that I've put on 1% body fat!! This means my weight loss is artificial and ive actually only lost muscle!! MY HARD EARNED MUSCLE!! 

As my PT said this morning- consistency is key. But it's bloody tough! My problem is that I've been super super good- then super super bad straight away :( 

Consistency in mediocracy is key. 

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Let them eat cake....

So as some of you may know it's been a massively crap February for me and rich as we lost Richs dad. 

We had been doing really well eating healthily and working out- starting to see good results. 

This is a little blog just to say sometimes life has a funny way of throwing things at you. And that sometimes there is more important things in life than being healthy and how you look... 

My personal highlight whilst grief stricken was choosing between the Bakewell tart in my left hand and the creme egg in my right- the choice was clear to me: both. 

It's also a time for family and great friends and making the most of each moment of happiness- often meals out and lots of wine! (Thank you to all who assisted!)

I have no regrets about the food choices I've made in the last few weeks and i certainly won't be beating myself up about it whilst I cook my third batch of pancakes tonight ;-) (shrove February Ye?!) 

So the morale is- as my personal trainer told me: when you are upset or down- nourish your body. Feed it what it wants and don't worry about consequences. 

But more importantly- learn from these times and pick yourself back up and get back on "the wagon" (I hate that expression!)

Off to Thailand on Friday for two weeks of sun, sea, cocktails, currys and rice. And ice cream. And apple yoghurt. 

When we are back more health posts and vids to follow!!! Operation beach body will re commence!  


Thursday, 12 February 2015

Seeet potato hash :)

Hi all! 

Been a while since my last blog post. I've  mainly been eating chocolate, take aways and bread due to some hard times :( sometimes life has a way of throwing you off track. I guess it's how you deal with it and how you get back to normality that count. 

However, true to form I'm back :) 

Me and rich did really well in January kick starting healthy eating and now we can relax it just a little ;-) the preparation was exhausting but we've learnt so much about food and new tricks!! 

Last nights dinner was fab- excellent for using up lots of veg from the fridge and very filling- cheap too! It doesn't look massively glamourous but it tastes good!

Sweet potato hash 
Dice and Boil some sweet potato.
Dice and Fry up some veg- I used peppers, mushrooms, red onion, courgette, add seasoning. 
Pop them all in a food processor or just mix together by hand. (We are going to blitz ours to be a bit finer next time)
Make flat sized burgers from the mixture and simply fry! (In spray light or a healthier oil!) 

Pop two poached eggs on top and serve with ketchup ;-) 

Enjoy :)