Come January 2nd myself and Rich are embarking on a super clean get fit month or two. We will be training a lot, but more importantly we will be trying to eat the right things (this is the bit we struggle with more).
I've already been thinking about recipes and have prepped a shopping list (which I'll share at the weekend) but I suddenly thought about the need for more Tupperware etc- prepping makes perfect.
So if you also want to shed some pounds in January- do you have the following:
Water bottle- get a big one- ensure you always have a bottle of water on your desk and if possible on you out and about to Stay hydrated. So many people don't drink enough water- and opt for sugary drinks as they don't want to cough up for a bottle of water on the road- be prepared!
I will share some water recipes (not just turn the tap on!) to make it a bit More exciting.
Plenty of Tupperware for salad/ lunch- dividers are great in Tupperware for portion control.
Breakfast pots- it's all about overnight oats- the more pots you have the more prep you can do at the start of the week meaning more chance of sticking to your plan.
Sistema soup Tupperware- love my soup pot- currently £3.75 in sainsburys so we will be getting a few more so there is always some homemade soup ready to go from the fridge.
Protein bottle- me and rich constantly argue over the small transportable protein bottle. I'm Making a stance and buying my own (on the joint account).
Small Tupperware pots- for nuts, salad dressings, sauces, grapes etc! Don't underestimate the power of the pot.
I know this all sounds incredibly boring and serious but if you are the type of person that will look for any excuse not
to do something- don't let tupperware be one of them!
If you're out and about today get down to the pound shop for Tupperware bargains!! I think £15 will cover everything you need and will save you loads of money in the long run. Sometimes you've got to spend pounds to shift pounds...
Image below of my current favourite piece of Tupperware- wow, who knew I had a favourite piece of tupperware.